Haven Ports

Meets: The Library, Felixstowe Seafarers’ Centre, Carr Road, Felixstowe Dock, on the 2nd Thursday of each month at, at 7:30 pm, unless otherwise stated.

Contact: Derek Sands, 33 Portland Crescent, Dovercourt, Essex. CO12 3QH.

Tel. 01255 507017.

Email. dereksands54@gmail.com

Program for 2024

All meetings on Second Thursday of the Month unless other wise stated.

Physical Meetings held at Seafarers Centre, Felixstowe Dock. Start time 7.30pm
Zoom Meetings as indicated. Start time 8pm

Branch Newsletters

WSS Haven Ports Branch December 2023

WSS Haven Ports November 2023

WSS Haven Ports Branch October 2023

WSS Haven Ports September 2023

WSS Haven Ports August 2023

WSS Haven Ports July 2023

WSS Haven Ports June 2023

WSS Haven Ports May 2023

WSS Haven Ports April 2023

WSS Haven Ports March 2023

WSS Haven Ports February 2023

WSS Haven Ports January 2023

Branch Notes

June 2024

We met for the second time at our new venue of Felixstowe Museum, our allocated room is cosy and informal. Derek Sands presented a show based on a dock cruise of Antwerp from May 2006. This was appreciated by a small audience. 

Our next meeting will be in August and will be an informal gathering at “The Shipwreck”, Shotley Marina at noon on Sunday August 11th. All welcome.

April 2024

The branch is operating on basically a bi-Monthly program for 2024.

Our February meeting was via Zoom due to the usual worries about unreliable weather.
Steve Thomas showed images from Gibraltar taken in 2023. He presented a well researched show
which prompted comments and discussion for most images. We were joined by branch member
Tony Millat from Mersea who cannot get to physical meetings, so zoom provides contact with other
branch members. David Berg from Mid-Essex branch also attended.

April’s meeting was held at our new venue Felixstowe Museum at Landguard, Thanks to branch
member Colin Tod for arranging this. Our first meeting proved the suitability of the venue.
April’s presentation was titled Accidents and Incidents by Neil Davidson. Neil had gathered images
and video clips from the internet, from well known and not so well known mishaps. We saw
collisions and cranes being knocked over amongst other incidents. Well done Neil for such an
interesting insight to when things go wrong. We were joined by guest Stephen Page who enjoyed
the show.

Our next meeting is 13th June at the Felixstowe Museum.

November 2023

The branch held its AGM on 9th November at the Seafarers centre, Felixstowe Dock.
Apologies were given by Graham Dines and David Hazell, with eight members attending the AGM.
Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports, with the branch still being very solvent

With their being no nominations the current officers agreed to serve for another year, and were
voted into office unanimously.

Chairman Ron Davies, Secretary Derek Sands, Treasurer and Vice Chair, David Pomroy.
Committee Steve Thomas (Zoom) and Neil Davidson (Newsletter Editor).

After a long discussion regarding the branches future, with small attendances and ageing
membership to the fore. It was decided that the branch would continue to meet with a much reduced

There will be no meetings in January, March, May, July October or December.
Zoom meetings will be held in February and September. Physical meetings will be held at the
Felixstowe Museum, Veiwpoint Road in April, June and November (AGM) and a social gathering at
The Shipwreck Pub, Shotley Marina in August. It is anticipated that due to changes at the Seafarers
Centre, our current venue will become unavailable in the New Year.

After the AGM Mick Warrick and Derek Sands showed some colour slides.

A program will be produced in the near future.

July 2023

Providing the source material has been copied in time for July, Derek Sands will show images taken by the late John Hall. This will also serve as a memorial to him and his dedication to the branch and all his friends in ship photography. 

June 2023

For the June Meeting Derek Sands will be showing Images from the Haven Ports from Ten years ago. 

May 2023

Ron Davies will be showing slides from Southampton and South Wales ports at the May branch meeting. The slides date from 1966 to around 1972, I am sure there will be some gems amongst them.

March 2023

The branch’s March meeting was held at the Seafarers Centre, Felixstowe after two zoom meetings earlier in the year. It featured a look at shipping on the Bosphorus by Mick Warrick. 

This busy waterway is a mecca for ship photographers. Its a shame not more members and invited guests could not make the presentation, due to worries about the weather, delays due to road accidents etc.


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