Haven Ports June 2024

JamesBranch News

June 2024 We met for the second time at our new venue of Felixstowe Museum, our allocated room is cosy and informal. Derek Sands presented a show based on a dock cruise of Antwerp from May 2006. This was appreciated by a small audience.  Our next meeting will be in August and will be an informal gathering at “The Shipwreck”, Shotley …

Haven Ports April 2024

JamesBranch News

April 2024 The branch is operating on basically a bi-Monthly program for 2024. Our February meeting was via Zoom due to the usual worries about unreliable weather.Steve Thomas showed images from Gibraltar taken in 2023. He presented a well researched showwhich prompted comments and discussion for most images. We were joined by branch memberTony Millat from Mersea who cannot get …

Haven Ports Branch AGM 2023

JamesBranch News

November 2023 The branch held its AGM on 9th November at the Seafarers centre, Felixstowe Dock.Apologies were given by Graham Dines and David Hazell, with eight members attending the AGM.Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports, with the branch still being very solventfinancially. With their being no nominations the current officers agreed to serve for another year, and werevoted into …