Merseyside Branch July 2024

JamesBranch News

July 2024 Tuesday 9th July 2024 brought our Branch AGM hosted by our current Chairman John Luxton. The current Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were all elected to stand for another season as was existing committee member Stan McFerran. Geoff Holmes has had to retire this year from the committee and we thank him for his past service After the …

Merseyside Branch June 2024

JamesBranch News

June 2024 Our own Branch Chairman John Luxton gave us an excellent presentation for our June 2024 meeting. It was another of John’s Maritime Infrastructures talks, this time it was entitled Ports of Cornwall Part 1. He began by talking about Looe which has been featured on the television lately doubling up as Shipton Abbott in the Beyond Paradise programme. …

Merseyside Branch May 2024

JamesBranch News

May 2024 It is with great regret we have to announce the passing of branch member Christy MacHale aged 75. Christy was a great friend to us all, a man of very many talents; our condolences go to his wife Sam and all his family. Our May 2024 meeting was a great night when David Hearn from Wallasey came to …

Merseyside Branch April 2024

JamesBranch News

April 2024 John Hooley travelled from Macclesfield to give us his Western Isles to the land of MacBraynes presentation. It was a wonderful evening when John showed us many quite rare images of very old MacBraynes vessels starting with shots of the very unusual 1880 Linnet at Crinan. Many shots of Paddle Steamers followed and all these came with an …

Merseyside Branch March 2024

JamesBranch News

March 2024 Our March 2024 meeting was an exceptional meeting. For the first half we welcomed once again Keith Hick from Southport who gave us a wonderful presentation entitled The Dockers Umbrella featuring the much loved Liverpool Overhead Railway. Keith showed us many images of its life from 1893 to 1956. The Overhead was unique and was modelled on a …

Merseyside Branch February 2024

JamesBranch News

February 2024 For our February 2024 meeting we once again welcomed our old friend Iain Quinn from The Coastal Cruising Association of Glasgow. Our members enjoyed Iain’s presentation that centred mainly on Clyde Steamers with some vessels from The Isle of Man Steam Packet Co. that also visited ports on the Clyde. As expected from Iain these included slides of famous …

Merseyside Branch – December 2023

JamesBranch News

December 2023 Our December 2023 meeting was a superb evening given by our own Branch Chairman John Luxton. He showed us some nostalgic British Transport DVD Films from the 1950’s era. Firstly we watched the activities of the Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. trading out of Tilbury Felixstowe and Preston featuring ferries such as the Empire Cedric, Bardic Ferry and Ionic …

November 2023 Merseyside Branch

JamesBranch News

November 2023 Our November 2023 was a very interesting evening given by Andy Freeman of the Wallasey Yacht Club which was titled ‘10 Years of Sailing around the World from little yachts to big yachts’. Andy told us he started sailing dinghies when he was about 6 which led him eventually to sail on the Ocean Youth Club ketch, Francis Drake …

Branch News – Merseyside – October 2023

JamesBranch News

October 2023 For our October 2023 meeting we were very pleased to welcome Peter Dyer from Southport who gave us a most interesting presentation titled ‘DUKW’s to Water’. He told us that around the late 1990s the last of the red and cream D.U.K.W. Sefton Rescue vehicles was decommissioned. The six-wheel-drive amphibious trucks, used by the Sefton Lifeguards from 1951-1998, were originally …

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JamesBranch News, News

North West Ship Show 2023 The North West Ship Show was held again this year sponsored by the WSS Merseyside Branch. This event took place on Saturday 23rd September 2023 at the Old Christ Church at Waterloo, Liverpool. Again it was a very successful event and was attended by over 127 members of the public plus 25 stallholders taking up …